F-4 Phantom "Pardo's Push" Low Top Canvas Shoes

Sale price$59.00 USD

Gender: Men
Color: Black
Size: US5/EU38
Canvas Shoes Size Chart
What Size Am I?
Shoe sizes can vary considerably between brands. A US13 with one brand could be a US12 with another brand.  We always recommend doing a quick foot length measurement to find the correct size. Once you have this, you can ascertain your insole measurement (please see the image below) and then simply look that up on our size chart to locate the most appropriate size.
A detailed guide can be founded here.
We also have a Shoe Size Guarantee to give you peace of mind with your size selection. More details can be found here.
US  (M) US (W) EU INSOLE  (in/cm) 
- 5 35 8.7 22.0
- 5.5 36 8.8 22.5
- 6 37 9.2 23.5
5 7 38 9.4 24.0
6 8 39 9.6 24.5
7 9 40 9.8 25.0
7.5 10 41 10.2 26.0
8.5 11 42 10.4 26.4
9.5 11.5 43 10.8 27.4
10 12 44 11.0 28.0
11 - 45 11.4 29.0
12 - 46 11.8 30.0
13 - 47 12.0 30.5
14 - 48 12.4 31.5
Did You Know? 
This design is based on F-4 Phantom II ‘Cheetah 03’ (Serial 64-0839) flown by then Captain “Bob” Pardo when he performed what would be known as “Pardo’s push”.
Pardo's Push was an aviation manoeuvre carried out by then Captain (Lt Col USAF Ret) John R. "Bob" Pardo, USAF in order to move his wingman's badly damaged F-4 Phantom II to friendly air space during the Vietnam War
On March 10, 1967, Captain Bob Pardo and his WSO Steve Wayne flying in  ‘Cheetah 03’ (Serial 64-0839),  alongside his wingman Captain Earl Aman and his WSO Robert W Houghton in ‘Cheetah 04’ (Serial 63-7653) were on a mission to attack a steel mill in North Vietnam near Hanoi.
During the bombing run both of their F-4 Phantom II aircraft were hit by anti-aircraft fire, with Aman's plane sustaining severe damage to its fuel tank. Realizing they didn't have enough fuel to reach a tanker aircraft over Laos, they faced the possibility of bailing out over hostile territory.
To avoid this, Pardo attempted to push Aman's damaged aircraft by pressing the windscreen of ‘Cheetah 03’ (Pardo’s aircraft) against the lowered tailhook of ‘Cheetah 04’ (Aman’s aircraft). Despite challenges like turbulence and a fire in one of Pardo's engines, they managed to reduce the rate of descent using this method. With limited fuel, they crossed into Laotian airspace and ejected, successfully evading capture. Initially reprimanded, they were later awarded the Silver Star for their heroic manoeuvre in 1989.
This design also carries one red star victory marking to represent the MiG kill Captain Richard “Dick” Pascoe and Captain Norman Wells achieved on Jan 6th, 1967 in this same aircraft.